History Portland

Vykat, a mixture of limestone, clay and water mill and baking the resulting slurry. The result of this work was a success, but so far stopped the practice in France. Years later, a monument was successful English baking the mixture of limestone and clay slurry at high temperature to achieve a wonderful blue limestone.
He named his product Portland cement on 21 October 1824, he registered the invention. Because of the name similarity of the Lime Blue concrete and rubble, with a kind of limestone in the south of England and the Isle of Portland. Of course it is now called the Portland cement with what was known as a great difference.
Aspydyn studies were continued by his son William. In 1843, he was able to use higher temperatures and cause the sweating during cooking, to achieve a product that a significant percentage of materials used in the form of molten (liquid), and the rest can be cooked cement made. by William Aspydyn better than previous cement and has greater resistance. The cement in the construction of the new building of the Parliament of England (1852-1840) was used.
Portland cement is used around the world today, the primary cement is based on extensive research conducted in recent years has much better specifications.
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